The internet is divided over PlayStation’s AI vision

Playstation head of productions and product Asad Qizilbash
(Image credit: Getty Images)

It looks like PlayStation may finally be embracing AI after a statement from its head of productions, Asad Qizilbash, caused a stir online. AI is always a controversial topic, especially in the gaming sphere where creatives fear for the security of their careers, but Asad chooses to see it as a force for good. 

With gaming trends constantly in flux, he believes that advancements in AI will bring "personalized experiences and meaningful stories" to players, ultimately creating a richer gaming experience. While there are definite pros and cons, the news has divided gaming fans, with many expressing their fears of an outright AI takeover in the industry.

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Natalie Fear
Staff Writer

Natalie is Creative Bloq's staff writer. With an eye for trending topics and a passion for internet culture, she brings you the latest in art and design news. A recent English Literature graduate, Natalie enjoys covering the lighter side of the news and brings a fresh and fun take to her articles. Outside of work (if she’s not glued to her phone), she loves all things music and enjoys singing sweet folky tunes.